Growing Asian market
Asia as a growing market
Asia is the world´s biggest continent. With more than 45,000m km2, Asia is four times bigger than Europe and with 4.2bn inhabitants has 60% of the world´s population. The Asian continent has been the region with the highest growth potential. The population in many Asian countries has dynamically driven the economic development. The increasing openness of the markets has also led to a strong growth in trade between the Asian countries. The international competitiveness of the regional markets in Asia has clearly improved.
The economic potential of the region will become especially clear in 2015: With the alliance between China, India, Korea, Japan and the ten ASEAN states (Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam), the world´s biggest free trade zone with 3.2bn people will become reality. In view of this free trade zone, every successful international corporation needs to be present in the region. Political and economic consulting will improve the business and investment climate, guarantee long-term success and will help to establish a business branch in an extraordinary growth market.